Spread the Word!

Several years ago, two other adoptive moms and I started a little group we call Mothers in Action for Vietnam (see the button on the right side of my blog). We identify humanitarian aide projects in Vietnam and try to rally support for them. Well, we are “back in action.” We have created an Etsy store to raise funds for two humanitarian aide projects that benefit children in Vietnam.

We have learned of an orphanage in rural Vietnam that is being operated out of two rooms in an abandoned prison. The children and caregivers are at times getting by on a cup of rice a day. We have partnered with an organization called Chances for Children to insure that all funds generated will make it to those in need at the orphanage.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: We’ve set up a Mothers in Action for Vietnam Etsy Site – and for each item purchased, 100% of the funds will go to the charity of your choice. All artwork has been donated.


What you can do:

  • shop for a good cause (read more about our current cause on our Etsy site)
  • donate items to our Etsy shop
  • spread the link around to your friends and family